Micro Garden Instructions
Mason Jar
Net Pot
Basil Seeds
Beet Seeds
Brilliant Blend Seeds
3 Peat Discs
Set Up Instructions
Step 1:
Soak one peat disc for 2-3 minutes in a bowl or cup of water so that it expands.
Step 2:
Fill the mason jar with water, leaving 1-2" of space on the top.
Step 3:
Place the black net pot into the jar and secure with silver rim.
Step 4:
Place the expanded peat disc into the net pot.
Step 5:
Tear the casing of the peat disc to expose the surface area of the peat.
Step 6:
Choose your preferred seed type and sprinkle the seeds on the surface area of the peat disc.
Step 7:
Spread the seeds evenly across the peat disc and push some seeds down into the peat if desired.
Step 8:
Place your micro garden in a warm, sunny spot and watch it grow!